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Fact-check reports guide
Fact-check reports guide
Updated over a year ago

Fact-check reports are designed to communicate verified content on media to tipline users. Fact-check reports generally include the status of the claim included in the user’s request (whether the media includes a true or false claim).

Editing default reports settings

You can customize fact-check reports sent to tipline users. To design your report’s default text, navigate to your workspace settings, and then on the topbar click Reports. Then use the following tools to customize your reports:

  • Use the Introduction field to include an introduction anytime the report is sent to reference the initial query from the end user.

  • Use {{query_date}} placeholder to display the date of the original query and {{status}} to communicate the status of the article.

  • Use this format to *bold* or _italicize_ a word.

Note: You can include a link to a website anytime the report is sent to reference the initial query from the end user. You can also add a custom signature anytime the report is sent to reference the initial query from the end user.

Creating a fact-check report

  1. Set the appropriate fact-check rating;

  2. Add a claim to access the Fact-check section

  3. Add a fact-check title, how you'd like the audience to read it.

  4. Fill the summary with the context and the rating of your fact-check.

  5. Add the article URL: If you have a published article to fact-check the claim, you can reference the article here.

  6. Choose the report language if your workspace has more than one language

Publishing a fact-check report

Click Unpublished report, the above details will be auto-populated in the report editor page, either choose a text report or a visual card report. The preview is shown on the right side, proceed to click Publish to publish the fact-check report.

Once you publish, you will send this report to all the users who have asked about this claim. Also, future users who request this item will receive this version of the report while it remains published.

Pausing and editing a report

Click the Published report on the item page. You will be taken to the report editor page, click Pause on the header to pause the report. Edit the report and click Publish again when you are ready to make the changes. If the status has changed, the updated report will be sent as a correction to all the users who have received the previous version of this report.

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