
Use tags to categorize items.

Jéssica Gomes avatar
Written by Jéssica Gomes
Updated over a week ago

You can tag items manually or automatically.

Tag an item from the item page

To tag an item from its page:

  1. Under the item’s claim, click +.

  2. Search and select a tag.

  3. Click Tag.

Create a tag on an item page

To quickly add a new tag to a relevant item.

  1. Under the item’s claim, click +.

  2. Type a new tag into the search bar and click enter.

  3. Click Create search tags.

Create a tag on the Tags page

Create a tag on the Tags page to set up automated tagging. To create a tag:

  1. Navigate to the Tags settings page.

  2. Click New tag.

  3. Add a name and automation conditions.

  4. Click Save tag.

Automate a tag

Check offers two tagging automations:

  • This section explains how to automatically apply a tag when a certain condition is met.

  • Tagger automatically tags items based on similar items’ tags.

To tag items when a certain condition is met:

  1. Create a new tag or click on the three dots next to an existing tag to open the editing window.

  2. Select a condition under which items will automatically be tagged. Check offers many conditions. We’ve listed some here that may require additional explanation:

  • “Content contains one or more of the following keywords” refers to keywords in the claim.

  • “Extracted text contains keyword” identifies text extracted from media.

  • “Task answer contains keyword” refers to the deprecated task feature; this condition is not usable.

  1. Use the + buttons to add additional conditions. Join conditions with an AND to tag only items that fulfill both conditions. Join conditions with an OR to tag items that fulfill any condition.

  2. Click Save tag.

Edit a tag’s name or automations

To edit a tag’s name or automations:

  1. Navigate to the Tags settings page.

  2. Click on the three dots next to the relevant tag.

  3. Click Edit.

  4. Edit the tag’s name or automation conditions.

  5. Click Save tag.

Delete a tag

To delete a tag:

  1. Navigate to the Tags settings page.

  2. Click on the three dots next to the relevant tag.

  3. Click Delete.

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