Tags save time and make it easier to search for specific content.
Creating and adding tags
From the Settings
Navigate to the Tags settings page.
Click New tag.
Add a name and set the automation to auto-tag
Click Save tag.
From the Items list
Select one or more items in the list by clicking under the checkbox by its side
Click on the Action button and choose the option Add tag
Add the name and click on Create this tag, if it's a new tag
if it's not a new tag, just search for it
Select the just created tag and click on the Add tag button
From the item page
To tag an item from its page:
In the item header, click on the + icon.
Add the name and click on Create this tag, if it's a new tag
if it's not a new tag, just search for it
Select the just created tag and click on the Tag button
Automating tags
1 - Using Tagger
When a new item is created in a workspace (via the web interface or a tipline), Tagger examines the text fields of the item and looks for similar items already in the workspace. It then applies the most common tag on similar items to the new item.
Tags added by Tagger always start with ⚡so that they can be easily distinguished from tags added manually.
2 - Using Conditions
Automatically tags items based on similar items’ tags, saving time and making it easier to search for specific content.
On the Tags settings, create or edit a new tag
Select a condition under which items will automatically be tagged.
Use the + buttons to add additional conditions. Join conditions with an AND to tag only items that fulfill both conditions. Join conditions with an OR to tag items that fulfill any condition.
Click Save tag.
Editing tags
Navigate to the Tags settings page.
Click on the three dots next to the tag.
Click Edit.
Edit the tag’s name or automation conditions.
Click Save tag.
Deleting tags
Navigate to the Tags settings page.
Click on the three dots next to the relevant tag.
Click Delete.