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FAQ - Articles

Common questions about managing fact-checks and explainers articles

Updated this week

1. What is the difference between Tiplines, Articles, Fact-Check, and Explainer?


All the conversations with incoming media (text, image, video, audio) and requests for the workspace. ➡️


A new way to organize all the information sent back to Tipline users in response to media and requests. This includes both fact-checks and explainers. ⬅️


A type of article that verifies the accuracy of a claim or published media to ensure it is true and reliable.

On Check, a fact-check can only be applied to a single media cluster.


A type of article designed to address a wide range of questions and topics, covering more ground than a simple fact-check.

On Check, an Explainer can be applied to multiple media clusters.

​​2. Fact-checks

2.1. How many fact-checks can be associated with a user request?

Only one fact-check can be associated with a media cluster at a time. Associating a new fact-check will replace the previous one and send the latest fact-check to the tipline user.

2.2. When a fact-check is associated with a request, will the tipline user receive it?

Yes, when a request is associated with a published fact-check, the tipline user will receive the fact-check article.

2.3. Can both an explainer and a fact-check be attached to a request?

Yes, but if both are attached, the fact-check will be prioritized and will be the only article delivered in response to matching requests. When searching for the appropriate article to attach, the articles will be sorted by their relevance to the tipline media.

2.4. Can an imported fact-check from an RSS feed be associated with a request?

Yes, but an imported fact-check will not be sent to the tipline user if the request has already received positive search results.

2.5. How can a fact-check be stopped from being sent to users?

By pausing and unpublishing the report.

2.6. Why can a fact-check only be published if it is assigned to a media?

This restriction is due to a technical limitation that is being addressed.

2.7. Is it possible to delete a fact-check?

Currently, deleting fact-check articles is not supported.

2.8. Can a fact-check be added from the browser extension?

No, it is not possible to add fact-check articles using the browser extension at this time.

3. Explainers

3.1. When associating an explainer with a request, will the tipline user receive it?

No, tipline users will not receive it. Explainers are only returned as search results in response to future queries. To have an explainer appear in search results for future user queries, it must first be associated with a media.

3.2. How many explainers can be associated to a user request?

Explainers can be associated with multiple media clusters.

3.3. Can multiple explainers be returned for one request?

Yes, up to three explainers can be sent in response to a single request.

3.4. Do explainers need to be published?

Explainers do not have a publication concept. To be sent to users, an explainer must be attached to a media. If not associated with media, it will not be sent.

3.5. How can an explainer be stopped from being sent to users?

Explainers must be associated with at least one media cluster to appear in tipline queries. Removing an explainer from its associated media clusters will prevent it from appearing in search results.

3.6. Will an explainer be sent in the tipline user's preferred language?

If the similarity setting "Only send articles in the same language as the conversation language" is enabled, the explainer will be sent only in the tipline user's preferred language.

3.7. Can explainers be imported, or must they be added manually?

Explainers need to be created manually. Currently, only fact-checks can be imported.

3.8. Does the imported list include explainers?

Explainers are not currently included in the imported lists. The imported and published lists only have Claims and Fact-Checks.

3.9. Do explainers show thumbnails from links?

Thumbnails are not displayed from links in explainers.

3.10. Can a workspace operate with only explainers, without any fact-checks?

A workspace requires published fact-checks to operate.

3.11. Is it possible to delete an explainer?

Deleting an explainer article is not supported at this time.

3.12. Can explainers be added from the browser extension?

It is not currently possible to add explainer articles using the browser extension.

4. Shared Feed

4.1. Is it possible to share explainers in a Shared Feed?

Explainers cannot be shared in a Shared Feed. Only published fact-checks, media, claims, and requests can be shared in a feed.

5 - Webinars

6. What is the Media link reflected in the Claim/Fact-Check slideout?

Media link is the link to the particular media item that a current Claim/Fact-Check is assigned to.

7. What is the difference between Create and Publish and Create Unpublished buttons when creating a Claim and a Fact-Check from within a media item?

Create and Published: This button is used to directly create and publish a Fact-Check when creating the same from within a media item

Create Unpublished: This button is used to create an Unpublished Fact-Check when a Check User may want to make further edits to the article and does not want to send the same once it is attached to a tipline request.

8. What is the new update to the Merge option?

You can now do the following using the Merge option:

1. Import: You can now import similar media items to the current media item
2. Export: You can now export or associate the current media item to any other item
3. Add to Imported Fact-Check: You can now attach the media item to an Imported Fact-Check within your workspace.

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